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Serpae Tetra compatability

25 9:21:38


I started a 10 gallon tank 3 weeks ago with 4 Serpae Tetra.  Added 1 small albino tiger barb and 1 Black Tetra to the mix last weekend (the new barb and tetra shared the same tank at the pet store).

Within 4 hours, I noticed all the tetras lost their color, they no longer were schooling and their fins were nipped.  After isolating the 1 barb (2/3rds the size of the other fish) the tetras' color came back, albeit they initially appeared to be more aggressive to one another after I removed the barb.

I would like to add 3-4 more fish that will add variety and preferably all do not look alike.

I like the balloon mollies the most, and platies  OK (would love to add a dwarf puffer or 2 but the petstore advised against it).

What fish would you recommend that are hardy, will get along with the serpae, and come in varying colors?


In that small of a tank, there is really no chance of putting together docile fish such as tetras with semi-aggressives such as puffers and barbs. I've kept both with tetras in larger systems, but in the confines of a 10gal tank, aggression seems to come out a little.
I'd recommend any of the live bearers (i.e. platys, moons, swords, guppies, and possibly even mollies). Mollies are the only question mark, as they have higher pH requirements and do better with a little salt in their water. You could also try any of the Rasboras; many of the gouramis, especially the dwarf varities;  any of the cory cats, but make sure to get a small group of these social cats; many types of dwarfs or botias, or even danios.
I hope this helps,
Good Luck