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pink kisser compatibility

23 15:56:50

Hi Nathan,

I recently aquired a 2" kissing gourami and a glo-fish that were being kept together in a 1 gallon bowl. Worried that the fish might me sick from being kept in such poor conditions I quickly added them to a 10 gallon tank I had cycled and waiting. I also have a well established 30 gallon tank that has two male honey sunset gourami, 1 otto catfish, and 2 peppered cories.
So I have several questions. Would the pink kissing gourami be compatible with the fish in the 30 gallon tank?  Will the kisser eventually need a larger tank?  Will they be happy housed by themselves?  And lastly will the glowfish likely be happy shoaling with regular striped danios?
Your help is greatly appreciated!

Hi Meggan,

Thanks for making the decision to put the fish in a larger tank. If the Gourami had been kept in the bowl for another week, it would've died.

1)The Kissing Gourami would be compatible with the fish in your tank. They are peaceful fish that can co-exist with other tropical community fish.

2)The Kissing Gourami will eventually grow to about 10-12", if kept properly. It will eventually need a larger aquarium, about 50 gallons. However, don't worry, because your aquarium will be large enough for a long time.

3)The Kissing Gourami usually likes to kept with other Kissing Gouramis, not by itself. A pair would be ideal, because sometimes, they can get a bit aggressive/territorial. When this happens, a pair would just argue amongst themselves, rather than other community fish.

4)The GloFish might school with the other Zebra Danios, or it may not. There's probably a 50/50 chance, but it depends on the individual fish. Even if it doesn't shoal, it's not a problem, as long as the other fish don't intentionally pick on it.

I hope I answered all your questions!
Good luck, and Happy Fishkeeping!