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my fish(i think has white spot)

23 16:15:50

hi, i spoke to another expert, Christie, about my silver shark having lots of white dots on it as if someone had sprinkled salt on it which she said, so that got me worried a little bit to start, i have only had my tank 2 weeks and have let it filter for say 3 days or something, then purchased 1 royal red dwarf garami,a silver shark and 1 sucker fish,i let the tank do what it needed to do for a week and they settled in nicely.
I am going to take a water sample tomorrow, Tuesday 15th of July but am afraid that if i buy some more fish in say a few weeks time if my shark isn't already dead by then, that they will catch the desiese or what it is too, my hexagon tank is the same height and width  as the height of a 22 inch TV      i look forward to your reply and a possible solution or result to what is happening to my shark! thankyou...

are you treating the shark for ICH???? When a fish/shark is covered in white dots like salt it is almost always an ICH infestation.  You need to treat the shark with super ich cure and the rest of the tank as well.  I am sure that if you described a fish with salt like dots on it that Christie would have told you the same thing.... so are you treating the shark?  You also need to raise the temperature in the tank to at least 82 degrees... what is the temperature of the tank water???? dave