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Yakkos new tank.

23 16:25:01

Hey there, here are the specifics I have a 20 gallon long tank, eclipse hood with dual fluorescent lamps. Soon there will be Eco substrate, a co2 fermentation system with analog co2 monitor to supply the plants I intend on planting in the aquarium. A Whisper 60 air pump, 150watt heater set and stable at 79.5 which is the current temp of the tank she has been in.
Currently there is only an Opaline gourami in to start the nitro cycle. Once the tank is established there will be a large albino rainbow shark moved in, as she is the intended occupant, she is 4yrs old and has outgrown her 10 gal. My question is two fold,
1) which other fish and their numbers should I consider to use as her tank mates. The gourami can be relocated to allow for other choices should their be a conflict,

2) which plants should I consider when planting. So none of the fish eat them all up.
 The lamps in the hood are mismatched due to a bad lamp with the hood at the time

of purchase and the pet store gave me a different lamp.

Eclipse "Day light" f18t8 24" (white light)
Glo Sun-glo 20w t8 24" (yellow tint light)

I am hoping the lamp info is enough since I have been unable to find further details as for their spectrum or K scale, overall 1.9 watts a gallon. Which I intend on rasing a bit more between 2-3 watts per gallon.

The fish species I have been considering are:
Boesemani Rainbow >4,
Cherry Barb >6,
Threadfin Rainbow >4 aka featherfin.
leopard frog pleco,or
Sturisoma panamense, since they like it just as warm as my shark does.
As for their numbers, I am really unsure of my new tanks limitations, but I have placed a guess according to my findings.

The plants I am considering:
Ozelot sword,
Anubias nana,
Aponogeton Undulatus,
broadleaf saggitaria,
oriental sword,
green colomba,

laying them out as their growing needs require. the tall slender ones in the corners to hide

hosing etc. And for the plants that span out more then up move more towards the center of the tank area. While keeping front open the entire length of the tank for the schooling activities.

thanks for your help,


the CO2 system has arrived along with the Eco Substrate, apparently I suggests 2lbs per 10 gallons. Which just brings one more question, I have not seen anything about what is an acceptable bubble count? a Picture of the current tank is located on my myspace user c10udz. (sorry woldnt let me place a direct link.) both images are in the fish folder.

Hi Matt:

It is nice to meet someone else who spoils their fish. Yakko is a lucky shark.  How long is your shark? I am a little concerned about a shark and a 20 gallon tank.  Sharks typically like to stroll around a tank and they usually enjoy a strong current.  I have a five inch black finned shark (catfish) that uses every square inch of my 55 gallon tank. Any fish that you put into her tank will need to be of equal size and absolutely no other sharks.  Chose fish that are semi aggressive. Rainbow sharks requires places where it can set up territories... dense foliage, rocks and driftwood, etc.  This brings me again to tank size... online advice seems to swing toward a 55 gallon you may want to consider a tank upgrade again.  your shark will want to stay along the bottom or the middle of the tank so any fish that you mix with your Yakko needs to be middle to top level fish.  I have read a few articles that says cichlids can make good tank mates.  I am always hesitant to mix aggressive fish... especially fish that are territorial... My best suggestion for you would be to find a small group of schooling community fish like the neon tetra or something similar. Yakko may give them chase but should not be able to catch them.  Make Yakko the center-point of your tank and keep all the other fish small and fast.  I know that neon tetra can be over-rated in a tank but the job that they do is worthy of reconsideration.  They can calm aggressive fish, clean your plants, provide color and they are amusing to watch.  Sturisoma panamense are awesome catfish... one of these would be ok with your Yakko.  Boesemani Rainbow are beautiful and peaceful if they are the same size as your shark then 4 of them would be find... Please do not put frogs in with your shark... they will be lunch before you know it.  the gourami and barbs would be ok too. I would not put anymore fish into your tank then five or six fish.  Remember fish need a space to swim in open water.  I like your idea to plant the end of the tank in plants any of the plants that you listed would be ok... just keep away from sharp plants or plants with lots of tiny pointy leaves... and really pack the plants in... your shark will like the dense plant population.  Fish may nibble on your plants but remember... that is their home so some nibbling here and there is ok. None of the plants that listed appear to be grazing plants.  Your lamps are ok... just remember not to burn them day and night... plants and fish like some seclusion and bright light is not always the best for them.   Bottom dwellers like diffused light.  It will take some work to find a nice balance between the plants and the fish but its worth the effort.  I hope I have answered all of your questions... if I have not or my answers were confusing... please let me know and I will do my best to clarify...Dave