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Fin nipping issue

23 15:22:47

Hi susan,

I don't know if you will remember but I mentioned that I got a new fighting fish with digestive issues. At the moment, he is doing very well, but still does not poop reguarly. It's just something I am going to have to control with diet. He also has a labyrinth problem as he skims across the water to get air. I assume that's also from the poor conditions he was in... Tonight I moved him into my main tank to see how he goes with other fish- And it is much more bigger and he does not flare at a mirror. I am going to keep an eye on him and if it does not work I will move him back. If the breathing issue doesn't sort itself out, do you think aquarium salt treatments might help improve it?

Also my betta in the 20L is fin nipping! I was always assuming he had a horrible rot issue but I have caught him in the act! I am not sure why, but I am thinking he is a little lonely so I have added an apple snail in there with him. He is in my room and my door is closed during the day while I am at school so I think he has an attention issue which I can understand. Do you have any suggestions on how to stop this?

Thanks :)

Hi Alexander,
I remember about your little rescued guy.

Is he still able to maintain his equilibrium and swim about like a normal betta? I'm wondering if there is a problem with his swim bladder as he will have a hard time swimming and stabilizing himself enough to get air if that's the case. Swim bladder problems can occur at various levels, some cases are only mild. Others cause the poor fish to float uncontrollably on their sides at the top of the tank.

It would be very helpful to keep your sick patient in a bare-bottomed tank so you can keep a better check on if he is pooping or not regularly. Have you tried frozen daphnia? Or brine shrimp?

Does the little fella eat willingly at each feeding time? What all do you feed him now?

*Be careful because aquarium salt -can- sometimes cause a bloated fish to retain even more fluid. A better option would be to use Epsom salt. Which can help reduce some bloating. I don't feel salt treatment is entirely necessary right now.

~Uhh oh! So now we have a betta that likes to nip his own fins! This is one of those situations where we aren't entirely sure why some bettas do this. As you said it can sometimes be boredom. Some people report adding extra silk plants or decor helps. Or adding a few other community fish can help divert his attention.
Also try to prevent areas in the tank where the betta can see himself. Putting plants up against the sides and wall of the tank and sometimes dimming the lights (providing shady areas by floating plants at the surface) can help some.

Sometimes I even wonder (as crazy as it sounds) if bettas do this if they have a deficiency in their diet. What if they just like the way their tail tastes? :-)
I wonder (unless you are offering it already) if feeding some frozen bloodworms or other meaty foods everyday would help lessen this behavior?

Its very important to keep the water very clean since your betta is creating wounds that -could- get infected.

I wish there was a definite answer to curing fin-nipping. Lets just hope with a few environmental changes that your betta will at least lessen some of the damage.

I hope this helps and best of luck!!