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Odd things in my tank!!

23 15:40:21

We went on vacation for a week and when we arrived home there was strange things in our tank. We have two plecostomus's and a fresh water Eel. Also a bamboo plant. Next to the plant on the top of the water there is white stuff. It is fluffy and has like balls through out it. I am not sure what it is. If it is part of the plant I will leave it if is something from the fish I will leave it. If it is a fungus or something I will take it out and clean the tank again!!

Hi Danae,
Bamboo plants are advertised as aquatic plants but are necessarily not.  If the leaves are submerged, the plant will die.  The stalk is ok being submerged but the leaves must be emersed.  The white fluffy thing you are talking about could be the sap leaking from the bamboo plant.  You usually see it in new driftwood that have been placed in tanks.  

Or, it could be some sort of fungus.  That fluffy thing is definitely not from the fish, and I am not sure if it is from the plant or not.  If I were you, I would remove it.