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strange eggs

23 17:01:14

I have a freshwater tank with 1 mollie, 10 black skrited tetras, a couple of guppies. 2 catfish sm with green spots, 3 long tailed stripies (i'm not sure what they are, but they were in the tetra tank at my LPS and 2 ghost shrimp. This morning I found several small clusters (2-6 eggs) on the glass. I have no idea what they would be from as near as I can tell everyone in my tank is male. The eggs are small about 16th of an inch with a small dark spot in the center. They were not in the tank yesterday. I belive all my fish are live barers except the shrimp and don't they carry thier eggs on their belly? Should I remove the eggs? or wait to see what they are? Is there away to find out what laid them?

Hi Elise,
It is difficult to say as most of the fish you have will scatter their eggs over the glass. I would think that they belong to the Black skirted Tetra's as their eggs are self adhesive. Is this case, i would move the eggs and raise them in a separate tank as the other fish including the parent's will eat them. Use a bare bottom tank as they are easier in maitenence. When the eggs hatch feed the fry on baby brine shrimp.

Good luck!