Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Fish > Freshwater Aquarium > mollie help and tips

mollie help and tips

23 16:29:42

QUESTION: Hello I just got a mollie a girl and wonder who it will do in a 1 gallon tank? and if i could get more?   Plllleeeeeaaaaaaaasssssse help me

You are very limited with a 1 gallon tank. The molly is the only fish you would be able to have in there as they are generally and inch long and the rule of thumb is an inch of fish per gallon. If you put even one more fish in the tank will be over crowded. If you want a selection of more fish I'd suggest a 10 gallon tank.

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QUESTION: thank you is a snail in there to crowded? becuase I have one also is there any fish spicese that would be OK with 2 but not goldfish

ANSWER: I'm sorry I don't understand what you are asking in the second part. A snail might be too crowded. If you can rephrase that I will try to answer the second part of your question for you.

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QUESTION: thank you a lot is there any fish species that can have more than one of that
specises of fish in a one gallon tank?

Not that I know of. There are small Neon Tetra's but they need to be bought in schools which are 5 of them so they wouldn't work out.  If you want more than one fish you would need a bigger tank. The only fish that would do really well in a one gallon is a Betta.