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fish deaths??????

23 15:40:33

Hi, after several years of keeping a pond - i am experiencing problems at the moment with losing many fish which i have had for years - they are dropping 1 by 1, and have all died with blood weeping through their eyes and gills....i have taken the remaining 2 fish from the pond and placed them in an aquarium, but they're not doing too well...I strongly suspect that somebody has placed something in the pond - can you help?????...thanks Stuart.


 It sounds like you have an ammonia problem, or some other chemical was introduced into the pond. I would check the pump and filter to make sure they are working properly. Sometimes when a fish is stressed it will bleed from the gills and eyes. Sometimes bacterial infections can cause the eyes to bleed. You have a very big problem and it will take a bit to find out what is going on. First thing I would do is test the water. Depending on what the water levels are will determine what action to take. I think the best course of action would be to 1) test the water. 2) depending on what the levels are, do a 50 to 75% water change,3) I would treat the remaining fish with antibiotics, make sure to follow the instructions on the bottle. You might have to drain the pond, clean it out very well and refill it. I am sorry to hear that you are having problems. Please, let me know that the water readings are and maybe we can come up with a more in depth plan to try to save the remaining fish.