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my sons catfish help!!

23 16:14:59

my sons just bought in a catfish that his friends given him.Idnt knw how to lok after these what type of water thy should be in and food they should eat.

Hi Shamma,
The two most important things to remember with keeping fish is to keep their water clean. Change 30% of the water at least once or twice a week and -always- make sure the new replacement is treated with a water conditioner such as stress coat and is equal in temp or just a little bit warmer. Use a gravel vacuum to drain the tank and clean the gravel.

I'm not sure what kind of catfish you have. But fortunately most are adaptable and hardy and can handle most water conditions. I would just use the tap water you have but -never- forget to add water conditioner.

As far as feeding. Catfish are quite easy, just give them sinking pellets and couple kinds of frozen foods like bloodworms or brine shrimp for variety. Catfish thrive on variety.

Best of luck, I hope this helps!