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Bristlenose catfish food

23 16:21:12

Hi, first i will tell you all about my tank...
Size-40 litres
Substrate-medium sized gravel
Plants- no live plants, 2 large fake plants with ornaments that have little fake plants on them
Lighting-No lighting(but is close to a window
Filteration-BIG corner filter with sponge,filter wool and activated carbon(run by a power head)
Fish-2 male guppies and 4 harlequin rasboras
Average temp.-26 degrees celcius(varies about 1 or 2 degrees during summer and winter)
Maintenance-8Litre water change once a week and a gravel vacum every 2 weeks.
I also use multicure once a month as a preventative.

OK...I'm getting a BN catfish tomorrow and my tank has a lot of algae so i think it will feel welcome. I recently got a piece of driftwood that is now in there to help with it's digestion. I will also purchuse an algae supplement for it when I buy the BN. I will also happily feed it blanched cucumber.Since i have never owned a catfish i was wondering:
1.How often should i feed it the food and vegies?
2.What are good vegies to feed it?
3.How do you achieve a blanched vegie?
4.Any other info that would help me with feeding
P.S.I feed my guppies and rasboras tropical fish food at the surface a never eat sinking food.  

Hi Katelyn:  

1.  Feed the catfish once perday (sinking algae wafers) while there is algae in the tank... if the algae begins to thin out then you will need to feed the BN catfish twice per day.  Feed Vegies as a treat.

2.  Feed it dark green vegies such as spinach or broccoli but do not leave the food in the tank for more then 24 hours as it will foul the water.

3.  Blanched vegies are dropped into boiling water and kept there for one minute for hard vegies and 30 seconds for soft vegies

4. Plan on cleaning your tank on weekly basis and vacuuming the gravel even though you have a bottom feeder...

Hope this helps... dave