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25 9:11:40

Got a cory with really bad fin rot. Only dorsal fin is left. Treated tank with medication, to prevent spread to other fish. Will the cory recover or is it better to remove? Thankyou

Dear Chris,
I'm very sorry to hear about your poor Cory catfish...
What would have been best is for him/her to be moved to a hospital there anyway you could?

If not then I would start changing 50% of the aquarium water everyday in the aquarium ((Insure the replacement water is equal in temperature to that of the aquarium and that it is properly dechlorinated with a water conditioner)) Not only will the water change promote good healing and regeneration of the Cory's fins, but it also decreases the bacterial count in the water, organic matter, and relieves stress and will help prevent the other fish from getting it more than medication will.

*If the corydora could be moved to a hospital tank with an established filter, 50% or more everyday should be preformed.

What medication are you using? Does the finrot seem to be under control now somewhat? (despite all the fins being gone- but the dorsal fin- :( I think I would insure to give her massive daily water changes, plenty of gravel vacummings too, filter cleanings (only in aquarium water) and I would give Melafix for 7 days or longer.

If the fin rot still seems to be advancing and in the severe case as you seem to have a treatment of Ampicillin or tetracycline. Strong medications such as these are in great need. If you do not stop the infection now the bacterial will spread to the Cory's body and would lead to a terrible ending. Both these medications can be found on ""

Water changes are your best bet now. If you could move the poor little cory to a hospital tank where the water is good and warm that would be excellent.

Advanced fin rot as you mentioned is quite hard to reverse, but certainly do not give up on the little cory.

~Only my very best wishes to you and your Corydora~
*Good luck,