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Clown Loach Rubs on rocks sometimes...

23 16:49:27

Hello again Karen,
    I have managed to regulate my tank. I bought two small clown loaches today and they are so cute. They look very healthy, swim normal, have clear fins and bodies, eat, and act overall normal. However, every once and a while one of them darts and rubs its side on the gravel. Is this a sign of a disease or could it be normal? The only sign I am not sure is normal, is that they both have round abdomines compared to their bodies. They are not super big but it almost looks like they have eaten alot and are stuffed. Other than that they both look normal. What could be the reason for the rubbing on the rocks? If it is a sickness how do I treat it and should I remove them to prevent the other two albino catfish from getting anything? Thanks

Hi Rachel,
Do you have another tank to put them in? Since you have just bought them I am worried that they could possibly have the beginning signs of some type of parasite. It is always good, if possible, to have a tank set up to put new fish in for at least a week or two before adding to your healthy tank. Just to be sure that they don't come down with  a disease and infect the other fish. If you don't have another tank set up then look closely at them and make sure they don't have any white specks on them that resemble salt. If they do it could be ick. If not it could always be another type of parasite or just something to do with water conditions that they are having a hard time adjusting to. I don't like to suggest using medications if they can be avoided so observe them a little longer to try to determine if there really is any disease. Also, could it be possible they have the big bellies from just eating a lot? Keep an eye on them to see if it changes and gets any smaller. Hopefully it is only from eating and nothing else but I would still really observe and see it there is any change in size.
Hope this has helped,