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Beta acting strange

23 17:02:45

I have had my beta fish for about five months now, and starting a few days ago hes been acting strange. He has been unresponsive, when usually he perks up and interacts with me when i come near. He hangs out either at the bottom, or near the surface of the water all day and has stopped eating. Every so often he'll have little 'fits', where he flips around in the tank really fast with strange sudden movements. He'll even dive to the bottom and move around seashells, or slightly jump out of the tank. It seems like he's become frightened of me, because lately he's acted disturbed and puffs up when I come near, like he's ready to attack! When he sits at the top of the tank, he'll stay in the corner, kind of flopped over like he's about to turn on his side. His colors starting to turn paler, and since I've recently changed his water, he hasn't made a bubble nest like he usually does. It is getting colder outside, and I've kept the house at about 68-70 degrees.I keep him in about a one gallon fish bowl and feed him a pinch of freeze-dried bloodworms about twice daily. I change his water about every week, and use store bought distilled water. I'm scared for my beta's health. What can I do to make him happy and healthy?

Dear Evan,
There are several things that may be wrong here.
First is the temperature. Bettas act very sickly when their temperature if 70F or less. They thrive at 78-80F. If you have no other way to keep him warm, use a small tablelamp positioned over his bowl to keep him warm. Many lamps can put off a good amount of heat. Of course you will have to keep the lamp on all the time to avoid any night temperature drops that could be risky.

I would try doing another water change. Making sure the replacement water is equal in temperature to that of your aquarium and insure it is dechlorinated properly everytime. About 1/2 to 100%  water change is best. Make sure there is nothing in his bowl that could be contaminating his water.

Unfortunately, unless the seashells are plastic or fake aquarium decoration. Natural seashells can be harmful to bettas. Because seashells slowly leach calcium and minerals into the water causing it to be very hard and high in minerals. Something bettas don't appreciate. Please consider this. Bettas appreciate soft silk or live plants as tank decor instead.

You mentioned using distilled water? Again this is a very bad thing for bettas and all fish. Distilled water does not contain any of the minerals that are very important to a fish's health and is not good longterm. Is there anyway you could switch to tap/well water? Be sure to the change slowly to avoid any shocks to the sudden addition of the mineral containing tap water.

Sounds like your betta is having a very hard time. I hope with these suggestions that you can help him feel better. If you have anymore questions, feel free to write anytime.

Best wishes to you and your betta,