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Fish Seizure

23 16:53:45

I acquired a 5 year old severum about 2 months ago that had only been given tropical flakes and poor water quality.  The male had just died of hole in the head. I wanted to save the female.  I did a water change and started feeding her pellets in the morning and a small cube of bloodworms at lunch. One fish store said thaw them and another said don't. I also added peas to her diet.  She loved them and was eating great.  All of a sudden she quit eating for 4 days. My daughter said maybe she laid eggs and went into a depression without the male.  I saw her twitch a couple of times in that period.  Then the fifth day she went into a seizure, swam hard to the top of the tank, hit her head and died.  I am devastated!  What happened to my fish? Thank you for helping me.  

Hi Sherrill,
So sorry about your severum. You did everything that you could possibly do to try to help her. I had a gold severum that was doing great and was beautiful and one morning I noticed she had hit her head and the next day she died. Sometimes fish can suddenly get scared and ram into the sides of the tank or even hit the top and it can cause severe injuries. That could have possibly been what happened to yours. She also could have had alot of internal problems, from poor water quality that she had been previously been kept in and the poor nutrition and this could have caused her      .      .
You cared enough to try to save them both and you did the very best anyone could have done. Sometimes fish that have been neglected are hard to help no matter what you do.
Hope this has helped,