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my angle fish have eggs

23 16:48:47

i think my angle fish have lad eggs on a fake plant the angle fish are a boringly gold course and the eggs are like that but ther is like fluffy white stuff growing on top of it can you pleas tell me if thay are eggs and if so why are fluffy stuff growing on them pleas e-mail back at thanks

Hey Jordan,

congrats on the eggs, First off yes i believe they are the eggs of the fish. you can view a photo of what eggs look like here : . They love to lay there eggs on plants which is why you probably see them on your plant itself. Unless you have a game plan setup and they actually live until they are free swimming by that time if they are in a community tank they are surely going to be eaten up by any other fish in the tank. Or they will be sucked up by the filter. Here is the egg process:

Day 0: Eggs spawned in streaks, are clear or translucent.
Day 1: Some infertile eggs turn white.
Day 2: More eggs turn white, wiggling tails emerge from clear eggs. Some white eggs may get fuzzy.
Day 3: Tadpole shape forms with large yolk sack, fry remain stuck to the slate.
Day 4: Small eyes form.
Day 5: Eyes grow large, yolk sack shrinks. Start brine shrimp hatchery.
Day 6: Some fry are free swimming.
Day 7: All free swimming, time to start feeding.

Unfortunately the ones that go all fuzzy which i think yours have, have fallen to fungus and should be cleaned out of the tank.

If your planning on doing this again you might need another tank setup especially for breeding. More information can be found on this website here with FAQ to breeding angelfish :)