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Goldfish - Type or Disease?

25 9:01:28

Him I wonder if you can help, I was in a pet store at the weekend, looking at the goldfish and one of them appeared to have both gills puffed out at the side of his head, almost like they had turned inide out, they also appeared to be pushing his eyes up and looked like the fish might have been in distress, I just wondered if this sounded like a type of fish or was in fact a fish with a disease of some sort. If it helps I took a picture of it which can be viewed at my flickr photo stream on

Thanks for your help



I assume you are speaking of the one that has the "bubbles" at the side of his head? This is a type of goldfish, this is how they look, they gross me out!  He is not sick, it is just the way they are.
Here is a link you might like. Look around it, it has many goldfish pictures.