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sick algae eater

25 9:00:29

Dear Chloe,

Hello, I have a question about my algae eater (Eugene). I've had him for about 4 months now, and just last night I realized that he was floating on his side at the top of the water. I tried to move him around and he stuck back onto the glass, but then a couple minutes later he went back to his side. He is now in the corner of the tank at the bottom and has been there since last night. He's breathing pretty fast, so I'm not sure what to do. Up until now he's been perfect and has had no problems or signs of sickness. Is there anything you recommend?

Thanks for your help.



Hi DeAnna,
It seems that your plec may have a swimbladder problem. Floating at the surface on his side is clearly a sign. Breathing heavily is usually something to do with water quality. Please test your water for ammonia, nitrite and nitrate. If they are high, do daily water changes of 30%.
Try feeding him frozen thawed peas to try and help with his digestion. Please ask if you need any more help.
Good luck!
