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Cloudy Water - Over feeding

23 16:50:43

While on a three-day business trip, my daughter over fed our two gold fish.  It's a 20 gallon tank with no filter, but I do have air bubbles.  I've had the fish/tank for about 3 months and the water has been crystal clear until the over feeding.  What can I do to clear up the water.

Gold Fish are some of the messiest fish i know of.. You should really think about investing in a filter. The benefit of a filter is that over time it creates beneficial bacterial in the media to combat ammonia issues and turns them into a non toxic substance. Even a hang on filter would be great for your fish. without any filtration you have mostly stangnant water (without the bubbles of course) and your fish is swimming in his own ammonia buildup.

As far as the overfeednig and cloudy water goes, i'd suggest a 50% water change right now, then another one tomrrow, so on until it clears up.