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Ill (?) Black Moor

25 9:09:01

I got 3 black moors in 2002.  2 seem healthy. 1, however, turned gold over time, and occasionally had bouts of being upside down.  Now he just stays laying on his side at the bottom of the tank.  Occasionally he can swim a big loop across the tank, but he mainly just lays at the bottom.  I have to drop feed right over him so he will not go hungry.  Not sure what to do.  Earlier letters to all-experts suggested I feed him peas, etc. so he will get fiber.  Others thought it was the swim bladder.  Not sure what to do to help him or to keep him from any suffering, if he cannot be brought back to normal.  Breathing seems normal.  Ammonia levels in tank always good.  Change 2 gallons of the 27 gallon tank weekly.  Have a few ornaments in tank that he occasionally gets trapped behind-should I remove them or does he need the privacy from the other 2 fish?  THANKS!

Hi Kenneth,
Thank you for your questions. I do not recommend putting more food, such as peas, in the tank. Your problem is most likely overfeeding. You might be able to save the fish by following the emergency care procedures at the bottom of my aquarium instruciton page:
Please read and print it out for future reference.
Please don't add chemical treatments, because if the water is polluted, the cure is to detoxify using Cycle (friendly bacteria) and stop adding the source of pollution (the food).
If worse comes to worse, I encourage you to start again using the aquarium instructions at my site.
Write back if you want to discuss further.