Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Fish > Freshwater Aquarium > Humm


25 9:16:57

OK thank you very much!! What should I do if I think one of my oscars is suffering from the hole in the head disease, what kind of food is considered infected? I mostly feed my oscars frozen cubes, like blood worms and beef heart (made for oscars) because they won't eat fish flakes. I did notice one of my oscars have a scar over his right eye, could this be the hole in the head disease? what do I do?
Followup To
Question -
I noticed on your site that you said each oscar should have 55 gallons to itself, but I didn't know that and I have two in a 55 gallon aquarium, and it's been about two months, so far they seem to be fine, what should I do?
Answer -
They should be fine.They just won't get as big as they should.In the future I reccomend Just one in a tank that size.And with Oscars watch out for the hole in the head disease.This is deadly to an oscar if not treated right away.They usually get it from infected food.

Thanks for asking

You should be fine feeding them what you are feeding.When i mean infected food i mean like gold fish and other live food.As for the scar it don't sound like it.It wouldn't hurt to go to a pet store and get some paragon and keep it on hand.It's a little expensive but it will save your oscar if caught fast enough.

If you have any more questions to ask me don't hesitate to ask.
I will help you all i can

Thanks for asking