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Adding new cichlid

23 15:42:49


  I have a 65 gallon tank with 1 danio and 2 blood red parrots.  My blood red's had paired off and pretty much has the whole tank for themselves.  The female lay eggs every month (even though it doesn't get fertilized).  I wanted to add a severum in the tank.  Do you think that's a good idea? How should I do it? Meaning should i make sure i get a male or a female and should I get at least two so that there won't be a fish that is not paired off?  I know a paired off fish can be a bit aggressive when they're spawning.

Hi Cathy,
Severums are lovely cichlids. Each one is an individual. Some can be very peaceful and shy, while others can be very bold and aggressive. Raising young ones in with your others should insure peace stays in the community. Also, the color morph "Gold" Severum is much more peaceful than the traditional Green Severum I have found.
Its very difficult to choose a male or female severum - especially babies... they are difficult to tell apart. If you'd like a pair, choose about 5-6 baby severums and raise them so they can form a pair naturally. You'll have to re-home the other severums though most likely.

You can also simply add 2-3 baby severums and allow them to grow up in your aquarium together. Like with any cichlid species, keeping several together can be a gamble and you can never be sure if they will truly all get along long-term.

Best of luck and I hope this helps!