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Fresh water aquarium (insects/ pests)

23 15:27:40

Yesterday, I noticed some very small insects in my aquarium. They seem to be on top of the water and on any surface out of the water. They are fine in the water as I tried submerging something with them on it. They don't look like the pictures of water lice that I looked up but perhaps they are at a different point of the cycle? They are extremely small (flea like size) with legs and maybe antenae. They are squishable but there are too many to do. Do you have any idea what they may be? How do I get rid of them. Can my house get infested if they get out? Please help if you can.

Hello Anney!
I think they could be mosquito larva or something. If you have a net or something then you can skim the net over the water to eliminate the #'s of pests. Then turn your filter to full blast if that function is available on your filter. When you feed your fish, the fish might eat them too. No i don't think your house can be infested so don't worry! :]
If you can, please show me a *clear* photo of the pests so I can give you further info and help.
Hope this helps! :D