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Pregnant Molly?

23 16:54:48

I have two Red Dalmatian Mollies and one Black Molly, three Neon Dwarf Gouramis and two African Dwarf Frogs.  One of my Red Dalmatian Mollies is bloated around its lower stomach and it is black and splotchy with a little white thing sticking out between the two small fins and the other is just the normal size for a molly.  I also had to separate the black molly since it was kind of  picking on the one that is not bloated.  Could this be a sign that the bloated one is pregnant?

hey Nelson,
yes, she sounds pregnant. Most females are pregnant if they are with males, they are just always mating and having babies.
spotting on the belly and a bloated belly are both signs of pregnancy.
Be careful--- adult mollies eat their young!!! they must be kept separated or most if not all (more likely all) will be eaten within a few hours. without any shelter at all, in just five minutes tops.

good luck raising the babies when they come!! have fun breeding! feel free to ask about any fry questions if you are new to raising fry. =]
best wishes, chelsey