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weird stuff in tank

23 16:22:50

QUESTION: I have a 10 gallon tank that was set up six days ago. After three days, my ammonia levels were high although there were no fish in the tank, only three plant bulbs. My tap water has ammonia in it. So I put Prime in the water and added a tiger barb which was unfortunately being kept in a vase (long story). That night I visited a fish store and got dirty water from their established tanks to help jump start the cycle of the tank. There was a little bit of white, cottony stuff growing on the fake plant and the plant bulbs starting on day two, before I  added the fish or the water from the other tank. The white stuff kept growing and the plants are not germinating so I took them out. What could this stuff be and do I need to do anything about it? The tiger barb seems to be doing well now that I got him out of that unfiltered bowl and none of the white stuff is growing on him. He almost ate some of it once and immediately spat it out. I have gleaned from other questions and articles that it might be a fungus or something, but nothing describes the stuff I'm seeing or says what to do about it.

I don't know the exact number of the pH and stuff but the ammonia is less than .5 ppm and the aquarium store said the rest of my water chemistry is within normal. I have not changed any of the water yet as I was advised to let bacterial colonies get established first. The filter is the type that runs the water through charcoal cartridges. Whisper bio-bag is what the refill box says.

ANSWER: Hi Christina;

The white stuff was decaying organic matter. The bulbs may have been dead and were attacked by fungus or bacteria. I've seen it happen many times. If you removed them the problem should be gone now.

Your tank will be going through the break-in period so here is a link to my article about it help you and your fish through the next few weeks;

I hope all goes well!

At Your Service;
Chris Robbins

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Ok now my fish has the same white stuff I described before growing on him. It looks kind of globby, like jelly when there is a lot of it, and where there is only a little it looks fuzzy. Almost the entire lower half of the fish was covered. I went to the fish store and but the antifungal treatment the employee recommended, called pimafix. I removed the carbon filter as directed. The first day, the fish got much better, but by the second, he was getting worse again. The ammonia is between .5 and 1.0, the nitrates/nitrites are a little high, and the water is soft and alkaline, about 8.5.

Hi Christina;

It's a bacterial or fungal infection but he needs something stronger than Pimafix. It can't cure an established infection. A product such as Fungus Cure would be much better. Look at the labels at the fish store to see what they treat. Something with victoria green, malachite green,  acriflavine or a combination of them would be good. Keep using the Pimafix though. It's a good support product to use with others.

Make some partial water changes to keep the toxins low if they get into the danger zone. Hopefully the tank will finish breaking in soon. I hope your fish feels better soon too...

At Your Service;
Chris Robbins