Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Fish > Freshwater Aquarium > Persistent swim bladder problems

Persistent swim bladder problems

23 16:47:38

QUESTION: Hi, I have an aquarium with 5 fancy goldfish.  4 of the fish are healthy and happy, one even regenerated a damaged fin (which happened before we bought it).  The fifth fish has persistent problems with balance and keeping upright which I suspect to be swimm bladder trouble.  I have tried isolating him, but as soon as he is back in the tank it happens again.  This time the other 4 fish are attacking him and have wrecked his tailfins, so much so that I don't think they are any use to him.  Any suggestions?  Thanks.
ANSWER: Hello,

Seperating a fish is only a temporary fix. What your fish really needs is some antibiotics to help him beat this infection. You can move him into a hospital tank for treatment if you would like. This would be especially beneficial if the other fish continue to pick on him.

To treat swim bladder infections I recommend a product called Maraycn-2. It is sold at most fish supply stores. However, if you can not find it you may want to try a tetracycline or triple sulfa product.

I hope this helps.


---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Hi, thanks, I have already treated the fish with proper antibiotic treatments, but the problem returns almost as soon as I replace him into the main tank.  I do have him isolated as a result of the bullying, and am wondering about maybe continuing to keep him alone.  (I have heard it is not good for fish, but my isolation tank is only a 3 gallon tank.)  Would this be recommended, until his fin is better?


Absolutely. You should keep him in whatever tank he is happiest and healthiest. Maybe do some tests on the chemistry of both tanks to see if there is a difference between the two that could be causing him to react to the larger tank. You may also want to add some aquarium salt to his smaller tank to help his fin heal.
