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Algea Eater Sick???

23 15:37:51

I have read a couple of Chris's Q&A's and found what I was looking for some what. My algea eater was acting strange a couple of weeks ago. I have done the water changes and cleaning everything I can to keep my fish healthy. I have a 55 gallon tank with 3 fish my algea eater being one of them. He has developed redness of his skin, deteriorating fins, cloudy eyes, thin bellies,all he does is lay on the bottom of the tank. If I touch him he moves I can see him breath but just lays there moves tail side to side now and then but doesn't go anywhere. Could you please tell me what is wrong with him and what I can do to help and keep my other fish safe. Thank you Brenda

Hello Brenda,

First of all, please accept my condolences.  It doesn't sound good.

Isolate the fish in a quarantine tank, and raise the heat to 80 degrees in both aquariums.  I would also add one teaspoon of salt per gallon into the quarantine tank to see if it aides in recouperating him.

If it's bacterial, or parasitic, the salt may help.  It is often able to kill parasites in freshwater fish.

You might consider, additionally, adding Methyolene Green to the quarantined aquarium as a secondary treatment.

I would advise highly getting this fish out of the aquarium immediately, as if it is a super bacteria, such as TB (Tuberculosis), it is not only contagious to the fish, but it is contagious to humans.

Please exercise caution while handling the fish and wash thoroughly when finished.

After you isolate and treat him, please begin a regime of 4 weekly water changes to the 55 gallon aquarium, 25% weekly, until water is again healthy, as sometimes the symptoms you are sharing are just simply because of bad water quality.  Either way, whether caused by water quality or by disease, the water changes are a preventative measure and it never hurts to have an ultra-clean aquarium.

I truly hope this helps and that it's answered your questions.  If you'd like to followup, please feel free to do so, and have a happy holiday season.

Happy fish-keeping!