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Lump on Tiger Barb

23 16:38:46

QUESTION: I have a group of 6 Tiger Barbs within a community tank.  Recently, I noticed one of the Tiger Barbs has quite a large white lump close to its anus.  Could this be a tumour?

ANSWER: Hi Andrew
It could be, it could also be a few other things.  It's difficult to tell in fish sometimes.  Does it look fuzzy or cottony?  Are there any other symptoms?  Like scratching or rubbing on objects in the tank, is it eating, is it hiding, are the other fish picking on it?

It could be a parasite, bacterial, or viral, as well as possibly a tumor.  If there's other symptoms, let me know what they are, that might help with trying to figure out what it is.  If it's a tumor or virus, those aren't treatable.  You could try adding some MelaFix and PimaFix to the tank, and see if that helps any.  Those sometimes work for bacterial problems.  Also be sure to check your water quality, ammonia and nitrite should be reading 0 ppm, and nitrates under 20 ppm.  What other fish are in the tank with them?


---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Christy,

Thank you very much for your response,

To answer you questions, the lump does look a bit fuzzy, it also appears to have fine blood vessels running through it.  The fish so far appears to be unaffected, it still feeds and doesn't look sickly.  It doesn't scratch, hide or rub up against anything and the other fish are not picking on it.  In general apart from the lump it looks very health with a full belly.  The ammonia and nitrite levels are low.

The tank also houses, 2 x Angel Fish, a pair of Dwarf Gourami, 10 x Neon Tetras, a small cat fish and a algae eater.

In addition, one of my Tiger Barbs died about 3 months ago when it became very thin, its belly became inverted.  Another Tiger Barb (not the one with the lump)started to go the same way but it has now fully recovered. I don't think the lump on the other fish fish is connected but just thought I would mention it.



Hi Andrew
If the fuzzy looks like cotton, it may be a fungal infection.  Those are usually secondary infections to a bacterial infection or injury.  But what's strange, is that it has blood vessels in it....That makes me think it may be a tumor, or something inside-again, maybe a tumor pushing the skin out.  If it is a tumor, nothing will heal it.  I'd try using some PimaFix.  If it is a fungal infection, that seems to help, and it also helps for some minor bacterial infections.  MelaFix and PimaFix are good things to have on hand at the house anyway.  And, the PimaFix is safe, won't disrupt the beneficial bacteria, or affect the other fish, so it won't hurt to try it.  Then, just monitor him for other symptoms.

The one that died previously and was thin...hard to say on that.  Sounds like it may have had an internal bacterial or parasite infection.  Or, it could've been the lowest one on the pecking order for the barbs, and didn't get any food.  I think that may be the case, especially since you mention the other one started looking that way.  Just keep an eye on them as well, make sure they're all getting a chance to eat, and others aren't bullying them.

Hope that helps, and good luck with him!  Let me know if you have more questions.
