Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Fish > Freshwater Aquarium > High ammonia

High ammonia

23 16:41:54

I have a 25gal fresh water tank with 4 african cychlids lake malawi.  My 2yr old nephew filled the tank with flakes.  I immediately cleaned the flakes with a net and removed 30% of the water.  I added sea salt to correct the ph level, a dose of cycle, aqua plus and waste control.  I fixed the problem with the ph, now I'm having trouble adjusting the ammonia level.  It`s presently at 2.0, we already lost 1 fish.  The other 3 seem fine.  What else do you suggest and how long will it take for all levels to be back to normal?

Hey dude,

sorry to hear that, well hopfully you have a steady beneficial bacteria content that's the only thing that will truely help. the water change you did would help alot but yur going to have to do another one i would suggest another 50 percent to adjust it. The addition of carbon in the filter should help alot as it will take out alot of the ammonia in there. Steady water changes and monitoring it will be your best solution hope that helps

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