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special care for larger tanks

23 16:00:13

Is there anything different with filtration or anything else that must be done with a larger freshwater tank(around 110-130 gallon)? I am considering moving up from my 20 gallon.


My 120 G Tropical
Hi Jarrod,

I have a 2 gallon, a 5 gallon, a 10 gallon, a 55 gallon and a 120 gallon and they all need really the same things which are adequate and routine maintenance, a great filtration system and a heater if you are keeping tropical fish.  

It depends on the type of fish that you are keeping.  For example, goldfish and oscars are particularly heavy bodied fish and make a tremendous bioload.  These creatures require double the filtration on the size of the tank.  So, if you kept oscars in a 110 gallon tank you need filtration for a 220 gallon tank.  

It's always advisable and never hurts to over filter any tank just make sure it's not too powerful though.  I once had a too powerful filter on a large tropical tank with a school of neons and everytime they swam by it sucked them into the intake.

Canister filters are expensive but they are much better filters than any hang on that you can buy.  Avoid undergravel and sponge filters as these are really for fry and do not do a great job on the tank overall.

Maintenance can be a little more time consuming and annoying on a larger tank but it's rewarding to see the end result.  I would definitely get a python syphon for cleaning and a large 40-50 gallon rubbermaid storage bin for water changes.

Good luck : ) April M.