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green ram

23 16:17:06

i had a pair of green rams in my tank and one has just died. I have checked the ph which came back as 6.5 ammonia seems fine but nitrite levels slightly higher than normal ( i think it may have been my lack of water changes in the last month or two). I have done a water change of 30% so hopefully will solve the level problems but I am concerned about the ram that is left.Can they cope on their own or do they need to be kept as a pair as it will be a few days before I can get to the pet store? your view on this would be much appreciated

I think you are right about the water changes, You need a 25 percent change at "least" once a week. Probably every other day until you get your water parameters back in check.
You didn't say what size your tank is but a Ram actually needs around 20 gallons of water "per" fish. They need lots of swimming room and yes Rams can live alone but may get more aggressive than usual towards any other tank mates. They are also very territorial.
Hope this helps. Send a follow up if you have more questions.