Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Fish > Freshwater Aquarium > swordtails- way too pregnant

swordtails- way too pregnant

23 16:54:48

my 3 second generation swordtails are well beyond their due dates. i know i must enduce labor or they will die. i need to know how, and if their are any alternative methods to simply squeezing the fish. i want their to be a 3rd generation , so please tell me what u know. thank you.

hey erick,
if you try stressing them out, it might help, but it might also do the opposite.
Keep the tank water very warm... around 80 degrees fahrenheit. feed as much as they will eat so they dont starve.
They most likely wont die though, fish will end up having their babies when the time is right. DONT squeeze them, this could cause serious damage to the fishes' organs and the fry themselves. They might just be having large litters, which sometimes take longer to give birth to. Keep the females separated from males until after they have a second litter (females can have up to six litters from mating once).
The second litter will be smaller, but it will give the females sort of a break in between litters. It's not healthy for them to just keep pumping out big litters of fry every month or two, it will shorten their life span by a fair amount. But i understand it is near impossible to keep them from having any babies at all, but keeping them from mating every second litter helps.

hopefully this helps and wasnt too late... my internet has been crashing all week and i havent been able to get on, its ridiculous! good luck with the 3rd generation, i hoe it works out.
best wishes, chelsey