Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Fish > Freshwater Aquarium > why are my fish dying and some are gasping for air

why are my fish dying and some are gasping for air

23 16:17:47

HI we have recently bought an aquariam of course we bought the fish from our neighbour and th fish seem stressed from the move but 3 have died and now it looks like 3 more are about to die the fish are all gasping for air what should we do thank you christine from dublin ireland

The best thing you can do is get your water levels tested. If the water is white/cloudy at all you may have a lot of ammonia in the water. Which needs to be removed with water changes. Just never change out more than 50% of the water. They need that extra percent to keep the beneficial bacteria they need. If not your nitrate or nitrate may be high and water changes can be done to fix that too. Good Luck!