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guppys and guppys with other fish

23 16:43:34

If a guppy is done having her babies and I would like to have a few but I don't want any more guppies what do I do?

One more question do guppies go great with other fish or do I need to avoid some fish.  (I only have a ten gallon tank)

Dear Addie,
Too bad guppies can't be fixed like dogs or cats! ;-) But unfortunately there's nothing you can really do to stop your guppies from having babies. Female guppies can retain fertilized eggs and continue to produce babies for at least a few more broods of babies.

The best way to keep from having extra babies is to seperate males from the females (put them in seperate tanks) if you can't do that. You could try giving all your males or all your females to the petstore (many of them are glade to take extra fish) and then just keep a tank of all males or just all females.

Guppies fortunately get along great with other fish that are similar to them in size and temperament. Stick to small little fish. Small tetras are great like Neons, Cardinals, Black phantom tetras, Lemon, Glowlight, Pristella tetras, Redfin tetras, as well as Harlequin Rasboras, Danios, and White cloud mountain minnows. Also, Corydoras catfish (also known as cory catfish), Otocinclus catfish (a tiny little algae eating catfish), ghost shrimp, and dwarf gouramis are also compatible with guppies.
Just be careful not to overstock your tank. One good thing about keeping other fish like tetras with your guppies is that they usually eat the extra guppy fry that are swimming around. I know this sounds bad but it's actually good and helps you avoid an overpopulated tank.

Make sure to keep the schooling fish like the tetras and rasboras in a group of 6 at least. And cory catfish appreciate having companions and they do best with minimum group of 3.

Best wishes and I hope this helps!