Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Fish > Freshwater Aquarium > too many bubbles in my aquarium

too many bubbles in my aquarium

23 17:03:34

I just recently installed a 175 rena filstar XP3 canister filter. That along with my foot long bubble wand is producing a lot of bubbles. all I want is for my tank to be crystal clear. I also have a 30-60 gallon filter on the side of my tank. my tank is a 90 gallon or a 110 gallon. what should I do.

Try eliminating your bubble wand, that will cut down on the bubbles and with the filter system you have running should provide more than enough oxygena for your fish. You may also want to check if your canister filter has a speed control on it, a lot of them do and you can slow the filters speed down which may lessen the bubbles as well.Best of luck and happy fish keeping!