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cant get rid of ich on blackfin shark!

25 9:04:23

I have a 55 gallon tank I just set up about 3 weeks ago. i was told by the lady at the fish store I go to that it must go through a cycle before the water is completely safe, but I do have 3 blackfin sharks, 2 angelfish, a dwarf gourami, an albino cory and 1 bottom feeder. My problem is my smallest blackfin shark has ich. I have seperated him into another tank and I have been treating him for 6 days now with quick cure. I also added salt into the water, and I've added more each time I change the water after 3 days. He still has the ich. Will he be able to get better or should I try something else?

Hi Jennifer;

You might need to raise the temperature in the "hospital tank". Bring it up to 83 degrees so the ich parasite goes through it's life cycle quicker. Ich hates heat and salt and the medicine will work better because the ich will be weaker. Provide plenty of aeration while the temperature is up. The oxygen saturation in the water will be lower when the temperature is higher.

Sometimes the "salt-specks" you see on the fish may simply be old ich spots that haven't healed yet. It can't be killed when it's still in that stage. It only dies when it "pops out" of those spots and comes in contact with the medicine and salt. Your other fish were exposed to it too so you will have to watch them for it. If you ever see a case of ich in your main tank again, treat the entire tank. Isolation of the fish showing it isn't going to prevent infection of your other fish. They were already exposed because it's in the water.

Keep up the good work! I hope he feels better soon.....

At Your Service;
Chris Robbins