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Goldfish & Power Filter

23 15:26:35

Hey Susan,
I recently upgraded to a 50 gallon tank from my previous 15 gallon one. I'm planning to keep either Goldfish (mostly fancy) or Tetras.

My question is can all varieties of Goldfish be safely kept in the same tank without them fighting with each other ?

Also I got a 1000 L/H (264.2 Gallons/Hr) Internal Power Filter for the tank. Is that going to be too powerful for Goldfish or Tetras ?

Hi there!
A 50 gallon tank is a great size to start when keeping Fancy goldfish.  But it would also make a great tank to display impressive schools of tetras. I can picture such a tank with a massive school of 40 or more neons or cardinal tetras along with a few other schools of tetras with contrasting colorations such as Black Neons or Black phantom tetras.

But of course, several large fancy goldfish would be equally eye-catching. Those varieties with beautiful finnage and colorations like Ryukins or Oranda goldfish.

The answer your question about if all varieties of goldfish can be kept together... its actually tricky to answer that with a Yes or No. Because each goldfish variety can be quite different in its needs compared to others.
For example, the telescope-eyed goldfish and Black Moors can swim reasonably strong, but they can have a difficult time seeing with their odd eyes. And if they were in an aquarium with say -- the singe-tailed common goldfish or 'Comet' goldfish. The competition for food would be very poor on the Telescope-eyed goldfish's part because the Comet goldfish swim so much faster and can see much better.

So the main problems with mixing varieties of goldfish together is the problem is making sure everyone gets fed at each feeding time.

However, I know that you said you mainly wanted to keep the fancy varieties together. Generally all varieties of fancy goldfish get along well with each-other. Most all are similar in behavior and temperament. But again with the telescope eyed goldfish varieties you'll want to make sure they are getting their fair share of food.

I think the filter you have will be just fine for both the goldfish and tetras. The more filtration the better! If you notice whichever species you choose is bothered by the current from the filter, you should be able to redirect the flow or block the current by decorations or plants.

I really hope this helps!
Best wishes and best of luck with your tank!