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baby snails (unknown species)

23 16:07:01

I have a 10 gallon aquarium with 4 platties,3 guppies,10 baby black mollies,4 neon tetras,2 snails (1 gold mystery,one that I think is a pond snail),and numerous baby platties and guppies.Well,I woke up this morning to watch the aquarium and I caught a little red and black speck out of the corner of my eye.I ignored it but my curiosity finaly got the best of me.I looked.Lets get to the basics. I had been seeing little eggs on my plants,on the glass,and on the heater.Main question:what kind of snails are theese and what kind of eggs am I seeing,snail or tetra..

Hi Alec,
The most common snails to get into your aquarium are Ramshorn and Trumpet snails. Do some searches on them to see if that's your mystery critter. I can bet they are probably ramshorn snails because this species constantly lays eggs in little tiny patches throughout the tank. Snails typically get into your tank by hitchhiking on live plants or accidentally getting into the net while the fish are being caught in the petstore. They aren't harmful and tend to be good for aquariums cause they clean up debris in the tank.

I hope this helps!