Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Fish > Freshwater Aquarium > flower horn

flower horn

23 15:28:32

I am worried about my fish it was a gift from a friend she was healthy and swimmin fine I have noticed a whit film starting to appear and she's just sitting on the floor of the tank it started out with white little spots which I thought were bubbles from the filter now it looks like she's gasping for air however she does move when I try to touch her please help me I love this fish

Hi Bill,

She's got Ich.  Ich is a parasite common to freshwater fishes.

Please purchase a product made to treat Ich at the pet store and dose her tank with it so she doesn't die.  Make sure to do a 50% water change first...the reason is if there are nigh nitrites (because she's on the bottom this is often the cause of that), she will die, so you need to clean the water prior to treatment.

Happy fish-keeping and I will cross my fingers for her fast recovery.