Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Fish > Freshwater Aquarium > young male staying above filter

young male staying above filter

23 16:22:41

QUESTION: Tank size approx-2'x1'x1'
No. of fish-6 guppiies (4 fem, 2 male), 32fry(approx)3 day old in fry tank.
Nemo the smallest male has taken to hovering above the filter when normally he constantly plays in the jet stream as if it were a water slide, he has always been a bit of a loner but joins in with the others once and a while. ever since getting him of a friend a month ago i noticed that he does'nt swim like the others (instead of using his tail he uses his whole body) i put this down to him being still a young fish. he normally has quite a comical character, but he now just hides behind the filter, do you think there could be a problem or is he just having an off day? He's also the first fish i got to try the tank after having set it up a month previous.

ANSWER: Hi Nigel: Nemo may be being picked on by the other fish or even the females... Guppies are very social so if he is hiding you may want to separate him from the others for a few weeks... and then put him in with the fry when they are big enough.  I think he needs to learn how to be social with his own kind... and the baby fish may very well teach him that.  Just wait to put him in with them until they are about half an inch long... and that shouldn't take too long.  Hope this helps... dave

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QUESTION: Could i also ask. is it normal for the fish to flick/bang themselves against objects or other fish in the tank?
many thanks again for your time.

ANSWER: Hi Nigel:  not that is not really normal behavior... you maybe about to have an outbreak of ich... Try to raise the temperature to about 80 degrees and add aquarium salt.  Isolate the fish that is flicking about... he/she may be sick.  keep me posted... dave

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QUESTION: Thanks dave, what are the other symptoms of ick? Aqurium salt was added about 8 weeks ago when i first set up so that shouldn't be a problem, my only concern is that being a novice i have no way of isolating fish other than the floating fry tank which is occupied by fry at the moment. Also it isn't just the single fish it is my 4 female plus 2 male, not sure about the fry yet.

Hi Nigel:  ICH looks like someone sprinkled salt on your fish, and that symptom is followed by a white cotton looking growth.  The fish may dash about wildly and scrape on things in the tank as though it is trying to itch itself.  Lethargy soon follows and the fish may stop eating.  How often do you change your water? and do you replenish the salt for the new water?  dave