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Ick treatment in a small tank

25 9:01:18

I have a one gallon tank (undergravel filter and air pump) with one goldfish who has just developed ick. I suspected some kind of parasite a few days ago (due to the fact that he was flashing and constantly rubbing against things) so I started using Jungle Lifegaurd since I wasn't sure what it was and figured that would take care of it. Now that I am positive that it is ick, is there anything else I can add to clear it up? I've heard a lot of different things (Coppersafe, Melafix, etc.) but I'm not sure which is best. The biggest problem is the fact that I have one-gallon of water and most treatments are in 10-gallon dosages and I'm having a hard time judging how much to use for a one-gallon. Also, he tends to be hanging around the top of the tank and breathing from the surface despite the air pump so will that clear up with the ick? Thanks a ton!

Hi Jessica;

It isn't from ich or any disease. The tank is simply too small for goldfish. His skin and gills are burning from toxins from his waste accumulating. That's why he is at the top and is scratching. He can't breathe and his skin itches and burns. The medicine will actually make it worse because he is so tender and raw. Change his water every day to help keep him alive until you can get him a larger tank. Replace at least 50% every day.

Goldfish need at least a 10 gallon tank to thrive, and good filtration too. Even a 5 gallon for a few months until you get a larger one will be better than what he has now. Here is a good web page about goldfish and their needs;

At Your Service;
Chris Robbins