Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Fish > Freshwater Aquarium > querie on parrot fish n oscars

querie on parrot fish n oscars

23 16:06:34

QUESTION: hi there i got a red parrot fish about the size of my hand its in with 3 oscars n 2 cichlids n a bby pleco just a couple of things i need 2 no its wt fish wud go well wid the 3 types of fish i got n how can i tell what sex they are... please msg me back thanks eva so much

ANSWER: what size is your tank? how large are the oscars? and what other kinds of cichlids do you have?

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: its a 4ft tank but very deep the oscars r about 8-9cms long i think they r a japanese cichlids they r black n gold but only bout 4-5cms long do u know anyone that will home the parrot fish for me as he keeps attackin my oscars

You can probably take the parrot fish  back to the store and they will most likely give you fish credit for it.  Until you can figure out what the other type of cichlids are besides the Oscars are I can  not help you with adding more fish.  I can tell you that is it very important not to mix South American Cichlids with African Cichlids... dave