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tank water problem

25 9:16:12

i have had my tank set up for about six weeks now after about four weeks i had my water tested and it was good to go i added fish things were fine then i added four sailfin mollies and my water is full of floating particals which with awater change and filter clean are not clearing up could the mollies be the problem

Dear Jo,
My first thought would be the foods you are feeding. Any particularly messy foods? Or sinking pellets? I have found these to sometimes make a mess where the particles from something in the food float in the water in a form of an unedible material..

This may sound strange, but are you sure it's not dust?
Overall, it would be better if I had a good description of the odd stuff but basically I would recommend you investigate into the cause and as for getting rid of the immediate particles, try taking a clean paper towel (dry) and lightly draping over the top surface of your aquarium water. Lift it immediately and this should get rid of the particles, perhaps you could even net them out. They may be just dust particles but if they come back it would be a definante cause of concern for something may be polluting the aquarium.
However, Your little Sailfin mollies aren't the problem...

I really hope this helps! Feel free to email me on anymore questions or concerns you may have....

Best wishes and Happy fishkeeping!