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lyretail mollies

23 15:57:21

Just a quick question, I've been doing large fish tanks for about 10yrs. The last 6 or so yrs I've been mainly focused on my large tank with livebears, I cut out the guppies though because they just reproduced way too much! Well at first I was doing all these water changes and everything the pet store was telling me but my fish kept dying. I stopped doing the weekly water changes and my fist have done just fine. Up until recently I really didn't buy anymore fish unless I wanted one, but unfortunetly I moved and lost almost all my fish. Well my thing is I really love mollies, especially Sailfin and Lyretails but I have a hard time keeping the from stressing out. I tried when I first started livebears and it wsa the same thing, however I do great with platies and swordtails, do you have any suggestions? Currently I put in a mesh box like thing that hangs at the top and put in 2 of my female lyretails to keep them away from the males but I'm concerned that maybe it might stress them out more. I heard that the dalmatian mollies are more sensitive especially the lyretails and sailfins.

Any movement of fish does stress them out. I would give them space in the tank, or find a clear breeder. Lee's company makes a 3 way breeder that is clear and floats ontop of the water.  That would be the best route to go it's less stressful. Give them free roam of the tank when ever you can.

Weekly water changes are not so good they don't give enough time for the cycle to get in line, I would go once evey 2 weeks 20%-50%.

I hope I didn't miss anything.