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siamese fighting fish problem

25 9:16:11

Hi there,
I have a male siamese fighting fish in a 170litre tank, I have noticed that since yesterday his tail fin looks stuck together and he can't seperate it. Any ideas what this could be?

Thanks for any help,

Dear Justine,
On your Siamese fighter, have you noticed any other thing unusual about him? Is his fins "clamped" in that every one of them are held closed and up to his body?

Bettas do this when they are resting but prolonged clamped fins is a sure sign he isn't feeling well at all. As a precaution, do a 30% water change and make sure his filter is running well. Also, if his water isn't warm at least 78-80F (25C-26C) then he might be cold.

Above all, when in doubt do a 30% water change and make sure the replacement water is equal in that in temperature of his aquarium and is properly dechlorinated.

If he doesn't perk up after a water change, let me know. Another way to test his well-being is to show him a small mirrow and watch if he flares and also extends his fins to their fullest.

Let me know how he is feeling after the water changes and all... If he still seems ill, I'll try to help figure out his problem.

Best wishes and I hope this helps!