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Moving House, Moving Fish

23 15:58:43

I'm looking for advice and recommendations on the best way of moving my fish tank and fish when I move about 20 miles away from where I am now. On my last move I had a 'traditional' rectangular tank and I just emptied half the water out and put it in the footwell of my car. This time, however, I have a 30 litre biorb and I know for certain that because it has a very small footprint it'll be inherently unstable and likely to fall over in the footwell.
I have an extremely small collection of fish - 1 x (currently constipated!) red cap Oranda and 2 x white cloud Mountain Minnows, one of which is a fully formed fish and the other is deformed, having no tail (but has been like that since day one).
How would you recommend moving the fish and the tank and what steps would you recommend on arriving at the new house?
Thanks for your time.

Hi Jonathan,
Since you have so little fish, I would recommend putting the goldfish and the minnows in a small Rubbermaid container with a sealed lid. Like you said, I wouldn't want a filled-up BiOrb sloshing around in my car. To save the beneficial bacteria, to avoid going through the cycling process and 'new tank syndrome', keep the filter cartridge in a small bucket of tank water. You can also add a water conditioner, such as Aqua Plus, to the fish's container to reduce stress. Leave some airspace at the top, just like how you would get store bought fish in a baggie.

When you arrive, set up the aquarium immediately, don't leave it till later, because the fish are stressed. Fortunately, it's only 20 miles. Remember to condition new tap water with a chlorine remover, such as AquaPlus or AquaSafe.

P.S. Feed the goldfish a pea or two to help de-constipate it!
Also, the minnow's fins should heal in a few months.

Good luck with the moving, and best wishes to your fish!