Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Fish > Freshwater Aquarium > Re:Ph down

Re:Ph down

25 9:20:41

i just recently bought a 55 gal. tank setup,i put R.O. water then i put a stress zyme and an alkalaine buffer.after a week i test the water the amonia and nitrate are o.k.,but the ph is to high (7.6) i bought a ph down to lower the ph. the direction is 2 drops per 1 gal.then i drop about 100 drops, after one day i test the ph still can i lower the ph range in 7.0,co'z im gonna get an arowana.

Please check your spelling and grammar, and don't use abbreviations when writing to me. It makes it very hard to understand!

Okay, first of all, a big change in PH really fast is not good for your fish. Second of all, if your fish are already in this 7.6 Ph water, then you don't have to change it. I used to try to change my PH, but then the man who sells me my fish said that it's not a big deal. I have two fishtanks, and both were opposite of what they should be. Not only are my fish fine, but I never have to check or change the PH. I also find that those drops don't work very well.

I hope this helps!
From Stephanie