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My Albino Oscar is Upside Down Breathing

23 16:38:35

I noticed this morning my oscar has been upside down in the tank.  My tank is about 70 gallons, had my Oscar and my clown knife for about 3 1/2 years and added 2 slime-suckers (placostamous -spelling?-) about 6 months ago.  My oscar is upside down on the bottom of the tank breaking heavily and has a yuck potruding sore on the underside...his eyes look as if they've gotten very bulgy...please tell me what's wrong with this fish.  Last water change was in August, 25% water change and added the usual chemicals.  Temperature is around 80 and I have a new filter which has been there for about 2 months.
Is it too late to rescue my fish- the fish store that I usually deal with say it sounds like dropsy and I would need antibiotics, however, can not guarantee my fish will be rescued.  Help!

Hi Bora;

It doesn't sound good at all, I'm sorry to say. Dropsy is usually a fatal condition and even with treatment they don't normally survive. Here is a web page about it with treatment options if you want to try something;

I wish I had better news...

At Your Service;
Chris Robbins