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Cloudy/Green Tank

23 15:57:33

My Mother-In-Law is having a lot of trouble with her tank. After about three days the water turns milky white. A day later it is green. So green that you can't even see the fish. She's had fish for 20 years and has never had this problem. All her levels are fine, the tank is not new. Same food as she has been using. Nothing has changed. We've done partial water changes, full water changes. We've done it all. The only thing that is different is the light. Her new top to the tank requires a flourescent light. About two weeks ago my husband and I brought our water to her and changed the tank (well water vs. city water). She also took the light off and just has a lamp sitting near the tank. The tank has been fine since. Could it be the light or more than likely the water?



Hi Angie,

I think that it could be a combination of both the well water and the change in light. The well water is most likely filled with chemicals/natural compounds, and so it is necessary to treat the water with a water conditioner, just like you would with tap water. Also, letting the water stand for 24 hours before adding it in is ideal.

The milky water is caused by a bacterial bloom, and the green water is caused by an excess of waterborne algae.

Perform 20% water changes every 1-2 days for a week, and either of the problems will clear up this way.

Algae can be prevented by:
-Doing a regular water change schedule, to prevent nitrate buildup
-Keeping the tank AWAY from direct sunlight.
-Keeping the tank illuminated for at MOST 14 hours, preferably 12.
(fish need dark periods for rest)

Unless the light was malfunctioning, there's no need to take it out. Changes in lighting would have stressed the fish.

Good Luck, and happy Fishkeeping!