Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Fish > Freshwater Aquarium > gouramis?


23 16:29:18

have a giant gourami..killed my angels that I had for years...pissed me pretty and getting so big I don't know what to do.  I still have a demon fish, bicher, pacosumus,(sorry about spelling), and dragon fish....looking for any other fish to put in the tank that the gourami won't kill.  I only have a 30 gallon tank, and I have heard that they get over a foot long....should I donate or work with him?  Thank you so much....Leah

While he may be pretty, it would be best to give to another person if you do not plan on getting a bigger tank. Many fish stores will glady take any fish and if you can take it back to the place where you got it from, they will likely give you a credit towards other fish. You will have trouble adding anything else. One, because he will continue to grow in size and aggression. Two, the tank is simply too small and you will end up with waste problems. I am sorry to hear he killed your angels. I would recommend taking him somewhere he can properly be cared for and be able to be in a bigger tank and maybe replacing him with new angels. While he may be beautiful, unless you plan on getting a bigger tank soon, it would be best to replace him. If I had the choice I would have large tanks all over my house with big fish, but obviously that would not be very practical. I think you would be very happy getting some new angels as there is little you can add or do with the big gourami still in the tank. I hope I have helped you, let me know if you need more help or info.